

Good attendance has a positive effect on well-being. Establishing good attendance patterns from an early age is vital for social development. The inter-relationship between attendance and well-being is considered so strong that attendance is often considered a proxy measure for learner well-being.

If your child is absent please could you inform the school by phone or send a dojo message to the Class Teacher or Michelle Trace.

Guidance has been provided by the EWO (Education Welfare Officer) with regards to improving attendance across Blaenau Gwent Schools. As a result of this learners who are below the School target of 85% will receive letters regarding attendance. All health needs of our learners will be taken into account. 

Attendance figures:

Sept 2021 to July 2022  85%       

Sept 2022 to July 2023  88%      

Sept 2023 to 20.03.24   89%

Attendance Policy