
Parents’ views are important to us.  The school offers an open door policy.  We aim to deal with parental concerns on the day they arise but if a member of the senior leadership team is not available immediately an appointment will be made at the earliest opportunity. 

The school offers a wide range of parental training activities and additionally host a termly coffee morning providing an informal opportunity for parents to chat to each and to members of school staff.   A member of the senior leadership team is always present on these occasions.

Communication with parents occurs frequently, often on a daily basis via dojo and  via telephone calls.

Parents are invited to school activities such as assemblies, sports day and special events and also attend termly parental consultations, IDP and Annual Review meetings.  We also offer virtual meetings via Teams or telephone conferences.

The school has a small parent’s friends and staff association (PFSA) that raise funds for the school.

The school seeks to work with parents as partners always affording the highest regard to pupil well-being.